Student Charter

1. Admission and Registration

The Intuition follows for admission the guidelines laid down by AICTE, State Govt. and the K.U. completely and faithfully. For this purpose the institute displays on its website, through advertisement and through display boards the programs of study, the number of seats available the entry requirements and the fee and charged in clear and unambiguous terms. The admission in 75% out of the allocated seats, are filled through Haryana State Counselling Society( HSCS). The rest 25% Management seats are filled through well defined procedure. For this purpose the availability of seats is well advertised and dead line is fixed. On the stipulated date the admissions are made purely on merit charging stipulated fee by the admission committee duly constituted by the college. On the first day of the new session an orientation program is arranged wherein all the teachers, and officers including Dean Academic, Chief Warden Prof in charge sports etc and the other teaching supporting staff are present. The students are taken around various labs, workshops. Hostels and dispensary. On this very day the students are advised to be regular in their studies.

2. Teaching learning and academic guidance

The different departments are located in different blocks and their names are very clearly painted on the main gate of each building in bold letters. The classes are held in well ventilated rooms in which black boards are affixed on the walls quite often the teachers take the help of other teaching aids such as OHP and lCVD projectors, each teacher makes available the syllabus of study of his concern to the students at the very outset, white discussing the course contents on the very first day of the new session from time to time teachers provide learning material and references to new material not available in the it of books provided with the respective module. The learning material is available in the books/catalogs/information sources stocked in the college library. Moreover, the college provides computer clusters as the central facility in the college, as well as in the college hostels( Boys and girls). The Director Principal and the teachers keep on laying stress on the importance of regular attendance in the classrooms, as also in the periodic sessional exam( the dates are supplied by the Kurukshetra university) assignments and quiz test. The students respond to our sincere efforts of these learning and academic pursuits by appearing in the sessional exam by submitting assignments etc. some good students even meet their teachers during lunch hours and after the college hours.

3. Tutorial support

Academic tutors from each department of the college have been assigned about ten students. These tutors counsel their assignee from the class/section they are teaching and are meeting periodically. In addition the students re free to meet their tutors anytime before/after the stipulated day/time, after/before the college hours, in addition to which is notified by each tutor, after consulting the assigned students. In case so desired personal information is treated as confidential. A record of these meeting sis kept in order to access its effectiveness. Some interesting agendum is often included in such meeting so that the students attend them regular.

4. Students academic representation and evaluation

Faculty-student committees have been formed. The questionnaires to evaluate the knowledge delivery of each teacher shall be evolved by these committees , as based on the experience derived towards the end of the semester

5. Academic Services

The college has comprehensive library, and computing facilities. In order to facilitate the optimum use of these academic supporting facilities, say the library and computing facilities(Internet centre) remain open before and after the college house. The hostels (boys and girls ) have been provided with internet facilities and these are often the focus of the evening hobbies. This is a factor of students come from village background. So in order to sharpen their communication skill, written and spoken the college has ultra modern language lab. Extension lectures from expert in the personality development and communication skills are arrange. Students attend the language lab and lectures in good numbers, with the fortifying results.

6. Student services

The college has one stop(one window) enquiry office (reception point) being designated as SSID(students services information desk) which provides the students ID Cards, leaflets, prospectus and other useful publications of the college. For the hostlers the relevant information to the hostels is provided at the warden office e locate din vicinity of these hostels. Round the clock medical facilities are available to the students by the competent medical staff. The college keeps on hand the facility of an ambulance to get emergency specialty medical facility. The college hostels are administered though the services of competent resident warden ( male and female)under the excellent guidance of experienced chief warden-lady and gent. The training of the second and third year students, guidance required for the placement of the students and the general information about higher studies is provided to the students by a cancelling bureau comprising. Training and placement office ( TPO)_ and a team of Sr.faculty. TPO generally accompanies the prospective candidates for off-campus interviews arrange by various IT & ITE companies in some other college premises, as and when called for.
Branch Name of counselors
Computer Engineering
A-I Er. Anuj Mehta
Electronics & Comm.Engg.
B-I Er. Seema Bhankar
Mechanical Engineering
C-I Er. Gaurav Sharma
Civil Engineering
E-I Er. Narender
The counselors will act as the guardians of the students or in other words they will maintain quasi-parental relations with the fresher’s. They will keep the record of all the activities of the students. They will also keep the record of attendance and sessional performance of the students. Students can contact their counselor in case of any problems. It has been observed that some of the students are hesitant to talk to the teachers and as a result the students despite caliber in them are helpless to exhibit their talent while the acquisitive nature is prevalent in them. Therefore, the counselors are expected to advise the students to be unhesitating. They will also tell the counselors of their achievements, if any. Counselors are responsible for observing the performance of the students minutely & keeping their record so that their parents are informed in case a student is lagging behind in his/her studies.
Applied Sc. & Humanities