The Intuition follows for admission the guidelines laid down by AICTE, State Govt. and the K.U. completely and faithfully. For this purpose the institute displays on its website, through advertisement and through display boards the programs of study, the number of seats available the entry requirements and the fee and charged in clear and unambiguous terms. The admission in 75% out of the allocated seats, are filled through Haryana State Counselling Society( HSCS). The rest 25% Management seats are filled through well defined procedure. For this purpose the availability of seats is well advertised and dead line is fixed. On the stipulated date the admissions are made purely on merit charging stipulated fee by the admission committee duly constituted by the college. On the first day of the new session an orientation program is arranged wherein all the teachers, and officers including Dean Academic, Chief Warden Prof in charge sports etc and the other teaching supporting staff are present. The students are taken around various labs, workshops. Hostels and dispensary. On this very day the students are advised to be regular in their studies.